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Technology is a great tool that students can use to help learn concepts that they continue to struggle with.  Below are some suggested sites students may use as resources for math. 

Khan Academy


Sometimes you need to figure out how to work out a specific problem when you are working on your homework but there is no one at home that can help you.  Khan academy has tons of great videos that can help you jog your memory as you work through math problems. 



What happens when you understand everything during class, but then you get home to find out that you already forgot everything?  First of all, make sure you look at your notes and that you look in your book! If you are still confused, you can go to youtube and look up education videos, specifically those in math that are focused on the concept you are having trouble with. 



Are you having trouble focusing on homework?  You can try listening to classical music for studying. 

Helpful Links!

Purple Math


This site has helpful lessons that are geared towards students.  

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